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DVLCIVS EX ASPERIS: 2018 Oddero Barolo

Sometimes people ask if I have ideas about which wines will become far more valuable in the future. I do have those ideas, but the...

Superlative: Ca' la Bionda Ravazzol 2016

Straight to the point: this wine is one of the finest Italian wines we have ever offered. If you buy a 6-pack, we'll knock 15% off.......

Old Vine Burgundy: Goisot Les Mazelots

If you're into Burgundy, you know that the world just can't get enough. Price and availability are going in opposite directions, and I...

New Landron: Clos la Cariziere

That's Jo Landron, you've probably read about him here before. We really love his wines. I thought I knew about all of them, but I was...

A Tale of Two Lambruscos

Many of you will know the wine on the left. It is a popular sparkling wine chez C&C and we often tout it as a most versatile red wine. It...

More Than Pink: RIPA

Many years back at Esprit du Vin, Keith and I had a short discussion about whether or not we should sell the unique pink wine of Lopez de...

For the Cellar: Cantina del Pino 2016

We always look forward to new vintages from Cantina del Pino. They release Barbaresco a year later than most, so there's always a bit of...

Rosso @ Craft and Cru

Today we want to talk about rossi from Italy (spumante and fermo) and some American reds made from grapes you would otherwise almost...

Vino/Vin Bianco/Blanc

White wine is often not taken as seriously as red wine. This is a mistake. Way under the radar, the Bianchello del Metauro DOC of Italy's...

Exceptional California

We have some of the best people visiting us at Craft and Cru. Seriously. I won't go into too much detail here, but long story short, I...

Summer Vino

A few delicious randos to consider for the summer: Move over Prosecco, Otrugo dei Colli Piacentini Frizzante is going to be the next big...

Reversing Roles

When we think of California wine, our minds might first go to full-bodied reds. With Provence wine, we probably think of pale rosé. Today...

2019 Hofgut Falkenstein: true delight

It might look a bit decrepit and moldy, it may be small and dimly lit, but knowing what pristine treasures lie within those barrels,...

Diving into Liqueurs; Rando Wines

Toss out those cheaply flavored and artificially colored cordials. You know, the ones that are used so infrequently that the cap has...

Geek on Greek Wines

We've been meaning to feature the wines of Greece for awhile, and we could not be more pleased with this six-wine lineup; a selection...

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