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Exceptional California

We have some of the best people visiting us at Craft and Cru. Seriously. I won't go into too much detail here, but long story short, I...

Summer Vino

A few delicious randos to consider for the summer: Move over Prosecco, Otrugo dei Colli Piacentini Frizzante is going to be the next big...

Reversing Roles

When we think of California wine, our minds might first go to full-bodied reds. With Provence wine, we probably think of pale rosé. Today...

2019 Hofgut Falkenstein: true delight

It might look a bit decrepit and moldy, it may be small and dimly lit, but knowing what pristine treasures lie within those barrels,...

Organic Pink Pet-Nats

We've always got a bit of pink bubbly around, but we've recently received some irrestistible novelties, as well as new vintages of old...

USA Wines, Ongoing Tariffs

The tariffs that were imposed on all French, Spanish, German and U.K. still wines under 14% alcohol remain, and are up for review. That...

Q&A with Diana Snowden Seysses

We are delighted to present a q&a between the crew at Craft and Cru and Diana Snowden Seysses. We love her wines and winemaking...

Chillable Everything

Wines to chill, while you chill... take it easy folks, be kind to yourselves and everyone else too... Jo Landron Muscadet Sevre et Maine...

Bourgogne Reds

We love (love love) Pinot Noir, especially great Pinot Noir from Burgundy, its homeland. One of the major issues with Burgundy is...

New Vino

Andrea Felici Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi 2018 - (organic) It's back! A perfect model of freshness, this is one of our faves, and the...

Du Vin, Bien Sur!

There are always many new bottles to point out, but these three are of particular note, in our book: Perraud Muscadet Sevre et Maine...

Renato Vacca : in memoriam

Renato Vacca has passed away. One of the closest and dearest winemakers to us at Craft and Cru. We take the wines of Cantina del Pino,...

Le Piane Tasting with Christoph Kunzli

Christoph Künzli is a man of infectious charisma and joyful optimism. He also produces some of the finest wines you will find in Alto...

Cab and Its Parents

Explore the parent/offspring relationship between three famous grapes. The proud parents: Sauvignon Blanc and Cabernet Franc. The...

Spanish Wine Values

Already affected by the round of wine tariffs instituted in October, Spanish wine still represents some of the world's finest values in a...

Winter Rosé

It's rosé season! Maybe not for you, but for the wine trade, the month of February is the time to commit to the newest vintage of pink...

Excellent Italian Wine on a Budget

We talked about tariffs last week, and we'll talk about them again this week, because they're still on the table, and they're a huge...

Excellent French Wine on a Budget

Back in October the United States imposed a tariff of 25% on French wine under 14% alcohol, excluding sparkling wine. This was done in...

Champagne Growers

We love Champagne. Dominated by large companies that buy grapes from a multitude of the region’s grape growers, Champagne has seen a...

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